Sunday, April 27, 2008 |
the real ironman |
 got this photo from my bro...hilarious!
Just purchased the reserved tickets from felix this afternoon, only to find myself lured and tempted to buying the Daredevil I saw online just the other day. damn you brubaker! so here I am a couple of hundred short but still enjoyed the latest installment, even if one comic of the line is still missing. The cover also helped to convince, it was really pretty and i somehow want to make another piece of artwork based on it. Had a nice little chat with felix yet again, apparently my friend mike finally found his way to the store! ah yes, support the small comic shop by way of referral. He was very pleased indeed.
Last friday was pretty tiring but a good change of pace. Some last minute plans changed from the new Pier1 on PT extension to Goldiback. A couple of beers, crispy pata and sisig - love the combination! was so grateful that the sweetest bff made sure i was safe, to and from my car. awww. took a bit of a break and skittled off home where i got a shower and toppled off to bed. By midnight, I got several phonecalls and messages that woke me up and got me back on my feet again and out the door. Extended it all until about 4am. Not even a large ache at the back of my head had me capping off early. Due to the cholesterol no doubt! hehe. I haven't been so eager to post photos on my multiply anymore lately, even if my sd cards are all now a hodge podge of my weeks.
Highlights include driving all the way to Cabuyao, Laguna in my nice little baby car. Love it! I wanna have another long drive! M told me to try North Expressway next time. yikes. let me figure that out first.
Just a few more days until IronMan! It may or may not disappoint but I also know that Marvel makes better movie adaptations that DC.Even if I do like DC comics more, by comparison. Just look at superman vs. spiderman.
Spoke to M (not the same one as earlier referred, apparently i know a lot of people who's names begin with M and J) last night after he returned my call. We are all set for august people! Now if only I can make sure i'm allowed to leave for two weeks, i can buy the ticket before D purchases NW and the rates rise. I'm sure you can figure out what i'm talking about.
Now THIS is something to look forward to even more. Keeping fingers crossed for a clear road to "the grid"! :) |
posted by maldita @ 10:12 PM  |
Sunday, April 20, 2008 |
reading into windows of hope. |
 An image i played around with in the past. It's actually Ironman fighting something he created himself. I never knew what the story was behind it until now. Ironically, you create your own monsters. and'll have to destroy them yourself.
Just a short entry today. bits and pieces of the week past. started out pretty good only to end up with a schizo episode midstream. I suppose hitting that form of low is enough to jolt you back into reality...nowhere to go but up. it was a pain to wake up the next morning especially with consistent dreams of those who wish to forget. Then a wise soul gave me some good thoughts. as if foreseeing a good future, i got some of the best advice. I was told of what to expect should i continue on one path or another. although you may already know all of this, verbal acknowledgement still helps. so made up for a wreck of a wednesday with a better weekend. i now find myself in the middle of planning a wedding, car is clean as a whistle, my hair having a nice shade of red, touched base with some long lost dears, a late night watching 'Maya with friends and purchased my second ironman comic for my collection. As the advice went, enjoy the moment. plan for this trip, let go of the past through forgiveness of both ex-friends and ex-lovers which would clean your emotions. this whole period of pain may just have been its own cleansing period. Imagine being a live tree, even removing dead wood though seemingly unfazed would still be painful inside. but it is all needed to move on.
I am happy for all the answers to my questions.
Waitin’ Tables, Waitin for the tables to turn Waitin’ Tables, Waitin in a city with no left hand turns Where are you now? $30, makin $30 a day $30 but the meter maid came and took it all away Where is the love? Sleep’s the only place where I can see your face these days You take me home You give me hope Ride the clock and wait in vain same ol difference but what’s it make? Just minimum wage Reading fables, reading into windows of hope- and pray prayin that the wind’ll come and blow you my way Where are ya now? Seems the only place that I can find you’s in this song… You give me hope Beautiful girl You take me home
posted by maldita @ 11:57 PM  |
Thursday, April 17, 2008 |
gravity |
 Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long. No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.
You hold me without touch. You keep me without chains. I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me.
You loved me 'cause I'm fragile. When I thought that I was strong. But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.
Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me.
I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground. But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go. The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down
- Gravity by Sara Bareilles |
posted by maldita @ 9:38 PM  |
Sunday, April 13, 2008 |
Aerodynamic |
i was planning to write about favorites today.
I like watching cooking shows a lot. I have grown fond of some and some...well, i have grown less fond of after a while. But the one I do enjoy watching is Mario Batali and Jamie Oliver. M because he knows how to make great dishes just like they do in Italy, my favorite European destination. And J, well because he's adorable, love the moody personality (very honest even when he's being an angry jerk), and he makes even the simplest of meals interesting. I think it's the way he does all his different shows, he doesn't look like he's acting or following a written script. It's like he's in his (or yours or both) kitchen and just showing you how to do it - with some cute little gestures. Aaah a man who can cook. Extra points - make that big points!

  Even when this guy lisps, he makes me want to hug him! sigh. I would elaborate more on that but have just finished Step Up. See I've been waiting to see this movie for about two weeks now. Making sure I don't miss it. All for Channing Tatum. I first saw him in She's The Man where he plays a soccer player. Thought he was good there and was most likely a semi-pro athlete who just tried acting. Then here he is in this movie where he dances like another pro. which one is it? I don't really care! he's the hottest in my book - if his roles are any indication of his real self anyway. Always plays a gentle guy - not volatile or anything. Makes me melt everytime. Buzz cut hair, bod as flat and lean as a board, steamy eyes...ok I think i'm moving away from the point. I didn't just realize I like hot guys in movies. What I just figured out is I have a thing for dance movies. Wierd. I've always been the action or animation lover. And yet I really did like Save The Last Dance and a not so known movie - Center Stage. What others don't know is I even have an original disc copy of Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive where Travolta's dance moves became famous. What some may not know is that Staying Alive stars Cynthia Rhodes (I have mp3s of her songs from the 80s which is from the soundtrack) and it was directed by none other than Sylvester Stallone who does a cameo in the beginning scene. Yes, I've watched it that many times. Somehow though I couldn't remember where I first saw Cynthia dance. I could recognize the moves so here comes another viewing of...Dirty Dancing. And I was right. She was Patrick Swayze's dance partner who had that mishap. My own degrees of movie separation. I would probably win that game.
So I guess I love dance movies too. And Channing Tatum.   I know there are guys who look at this blog so i'll spare you the giddygirlfest. Just click on the link to see CT in all his glory here.
Aerodynamic by Daft Punk |
posted by maldita @ 10:41 PM  |
Wednesday, April 2, 2008 |
the sweetest girl |
a few things in life can make you feel like a child again...
last Monday I visited the Manila Zoo. I was there to meet the zoo director for a project and no matter how much I tried to be within my "manager mindset"...the result was a giddy four-year-old squealing - oh look there's a llama! ooh a zebra! hipp-Oh!
The last time I was in the zoo, I was maybe four or five years old. My brother was not even born yet and we have photos with the elephants and giraffe. My dad's watch was stolen by a monkey and now more than twenty plus years, I find out that the monkey's name was Nancy. Apparently she is known to get watches but she has already died. A legend in the zoo nonetheless.
Then I met Mali. She's the baby elephant in the zoo. Very temperamental - like me - and even if she supposedly does not like red, she still needed those piles of peanuts on my hand. I saw her grab a coconut from my hand and just like dumbo, she placed her foot on it. A few seconds later, that coconut was history. Oh and I also got to touch a snake, even with much apprehension. My goal is to next time have the white boa around my neck.
We will be sponsoring the rehabilitation of the bird sanctuary. I just couldn't resist since I saw the ducks. In one area were two mallard ducks that made me jump for joy. I wanted to go in the cage and hug it, had I not been in heels whereas I would sink in the ground or trip, I would have been able to. Again, I have a next time. Next saturday - it's a date!
Thanks to our favorite photog, John - who has become Mali's boyfriend of sorts - I am a kid again and i can't wait to go back! All for just forty bucks.
 find the hippo if you can...did you know hippos have killed more people than lions or tigers? They are amazingly fast and ruthless for such plump little things.
snakes are soft...but i was still scared because an image of a frog popped into my head for some wierd reason...
Margie and Mali It was such a hot day, she wanted an ice pop! John plays hide and seek. |
posted by maldita @ 10:07 PM  |
About Me |
This is my world. This is who I am. And I'm not gonna give up myself to make your life better. And you want me to change. I can't get used to
all you want me to be and I just can't pretend to be anyone else 'cause it's not really me. - Darius Rucker
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