Tuesday, September 25, 2007 |
comic book hero |
 my brother is the coolest. I would like to pay tribute to my best friend in the whole wide world. those of you who already know him can attest to his easy going nature and for all my fellow geeks - a pretty smart little peanut :) he and i have shared so many movies, comics and jokes that if i ever went into a coma - he would know exactly what to say to wake me up. Or if i ever get married and he had to give a speech. heaven forbid everyone else would be stunned in silence while the two of us break out in tears of laughter with just a few little words...yess miss. fire exclamation point. it's the coy fish! i'm disabled. he's a fine young cannibal. yeah, no one else would get it. hehe.
well i'm just so proud of that little bugger bro of mine. he will be marching down the grad aisle soon (finally!) and eventually to the beat of his own drum. but even though it took him longer than expected i've been giddy knowing that he won best thesis in literature and was nominated for best thesis in marketing. hell, and i thought i made a milestone for my fam to graduate with two diplomas - he still manages to top that.
with all the things he does and goes through, he still manages to be a simply accomodating guy. Ask him a favor and he'll do it - simply because he knows it will make you happy. how many people do you know are like that? i hate to say it but so many kids nowadays are so spoiled with how the world has developed that they tend to get lazy and demanding. they want more for what they give. i'm glad my brother has found his own way of living his own life, with only himself at the wheel.
Oh and did i mention he's such a tech-genius? well maybe not an accredited one, but what he lacks in paper is made up for with passion. i sure hope i get to give him all the things he wants and needs. what did he call them - desirable needs. exactly.
you can find a link to his mind here in my blog. his article in the Fully Booked newsletter came out and also his review in Speed magazine. how's that for sister promotion? hehe.
If you also have nothing better to do, he recorded the In The Raw show on NU107 yesterday where Overtone were guests. You can listen to it here. Guess the boys are getting more fufyooolar...hope they don't forget us little people. hehe.
So anyway, for all the pain and punishment i put you through being your incessantly whiny and hungry big sister...here's to you bro! and looking forward to the grad dinner at Circles! woohoo!
see? always hungry. nyahaha. |
posted by maldita @ 12:22 AM  |
Sunday, September 23, 2007 |
granted. |
 i haven't written a negative post in a very long while but somehow today i feel like i want to. you notice how some people (i changed the term 'friends' because they are not, in my opinion) just seem to take you for granted? they just call you when they're at their lowest point and of course, being the supportive friend that you are - you run off to be with them at their time of need. And yet some days, you find yourself in that same situation and...they're either with their boyfriends and can't be bothered or just not available. Or they call at the last minute because no one else wants to go with them. Sucks doesn't it? And yet they never realize how shitty they are.
i'd rather not think about this which is why i post it instead of confronting them - like the coward that i am. or maybe this is the beginning of when i just don't mind drifting from these types of people anymore. next time you call, i won't come to your rescue.
i know i am flaker myself. a very bad one. but most of the time, i will flake for a good reason or i know i'm going to be bad company. or we always go out anyway. but for times of need - those rare times wherein these supposed friends of mine are breaking down - i don't think i've ever not shown up. even if i have to go out of my way to wherever they are. grrr...thank God for frances and the 308 girls and my "bratty bitches" who never fail to show. Or aimee-lover who can be counted on for lambing.
If only people realize that quality time does not mean: only when it is convenient. My friends understand how much work i handle, i cannot go out during the weekdays so we schedule lovely dinners to catch up. and there is no difference whether they are in a relationship or married. we make time. j tells me that there is also a need to put some effort into it so given some other buds' nightly gig schedule - i make it a point to go on some ponti thursdays to hang out and see them. yeah i miss the old days when we had so much free time to hang out. but things change. and you adjust.
so the next time i hear of a breakup or fight, i am not going to even flinch. figure it all out yourself. don't even think of getting mad at me for this post. you're not the only one who has the right to make tampo when you want to. i could knock you out if you want to hear what i really feel. i'm done. |
posted by maldita @ 3:54 PM  |
Saturday, September 22, 2007 |
finally! |
i can't believe what a relief it is to get my office laptop working again! it's been over a month that the right click of my mouse went berserk which caused my enter key to stop working, then my backspace key...so I had to use the desktop PC at the office with a monster jurassic monitor. It took up the whole darn table! well now comes the difficult part of actually transferring all my files and programs. i'm trying to organize everything so that I can back up again with the minimal storage external disk that I have. It really isn't enough for someone with this much of a past. photos, music...i definitely need to get a new one. I just inherited it from erik. tsk tsk.
so for the past month what has been happening? for the first time, i could not bring work home. I did not stay late hours finishing up the things-to-do and worrying about it. Once i stepped in the front door, i was on screensaver mode. dinner. tv. make that hibernate mode. like a temporary shut down where no one could really talk to me and my nerves were not stressed to death. got to sleep early and in exchange have gotten so so so fat. yes, it is true. nothing fits me anymore and no amount of good lighting can fix it. sigh. there's always a trade off right?
I actually have tons of photos from the past month that I think i will need several days to upload on multiply.
today i am extremely hung over it isn't funny. After several years of managing myself, i ended up belching a big ton of blue drink in the bathroom as i got home this morning. thank you ed. if only just to celebrate your birthday :) i had to get to the office too...i know it's so many kinds of sick. notice - saturday work. but hey, i already told my boss i am saving all my leaves after this much effort. this will be next year, when i can say i've successfully implemented all of these projects.
and the boys finally launched their album. yahoo!
posted by maldita @ 10:15 PM  |
About Me |
This is my world. This is who I am. And I'm not gonna give up myself to make your life better. And you want me to change. I can't get used to
all you want me to be and I just can't pretend to be anyone else 'cause it's not really me. - Darius Rucker
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